With some frequency, field geophysical data acquisition costs and efforts are lost due to improper processing. To mitigate this potential loss, it is necessary to ensure that the data is processed with high standards and well-trained personnel.
At SUBSUELO3D, we have a team of highly qualified professionals in various Geosciences, such as Geology and Geophysics, with extensive experience in processing geophysical data and seismic interpretation geo-electrical, electromagnetic, gravimetry, magnetometry, and data records. Wells, bathymetry, and vibration analysis. Additionally, we have several state-of-the-art geophysical software packages (GeoThrust de GeoTomo for processing seismic reflection data for the oil industry). We not only deliver more robust models but also reduce uncertainty.
A typical example of adding value through geophysical data processing is the extraction of the ‘S’ type seismic wave velocity (Vs). This information may be contained in the data acquired for ‘P’ wave refraction. However, for the correct determination of Vs, it is necessary to understand the physical phenomenon, evaluate the contained seismic noise quantitatively, and model the information iteratively.
We have alliances with important software development companies, which provide multiple technological alternatives for the best extraction of interpretable information from field geophysical data.