Servicios de Batimetría en Colombia

SUBSUELO3D provides bathymetry and topobatymetry services in Colombia. It has its own equipment that determines with millimeter precision the depth of the soil in bodies of water (lakes, lagoons, swamps, rivers, seas, etc.), with geolocation using Differential GPS. Additionally, he has developed a technique using AI (neural networks) to determine the relative hardness of the soil qualitatively.  

Servicios de Batimetría en Colombia

Bathymetry and topobatymetry services in Colombia are of fundamental importance to study the dynamics and morphology of bodies of water. SUBSUELO3D has long experience acquiring bathymetric data in the Magdalena and Cauca rivers and several reservoirs and lakes throughout the country. See standard ASTM D5073 “Standard Practice for Depth Measurement of Surface Water.”

Subfluvial crossings are a special case where bathymetric surveys are integrated with other types of geophysical data. For example, to design the crossing of an oil pipeline, gas pipeline, or other flow lines below a river, it is necessary to map the geometry of the river bottom and acquire geophysical and geotechnical information of the submerged subsoil. SUBSUELO3D has successfully executed several projects for oil companies that have required designing sub-river crossings in the recent past.