SUBSUELO3D sells two different types of equipment (The cabled UltraPIP and the User-friendly Wi-Fi Pile Integrity Tester UltraPIP WiFi) designed and manufactured to carry out Pile Integrity Tests (PIT); Which have all the physical, electronic, instrumental, and functional characteristics to carry out this type of tests, according to the ASTM-D5882-16 standard.
Pile testing is swiftly performed with any of these two powerful instruments. We recommend the Wi-Fi UltraPIP for new users as no software installation is ever required. Use your preferred web browser (Chrome, Safari, Explorer, etc), type in the address of the device and you are ready to start testing piles. To make it even easier, you may choose to record data on a laptop, tablet or even your personal smartphone.

User-friendly Wi-Fi Pile Tester
It is geophysical equipment used to carry out pile integrity tests. This User-friendly Wi-Fi Pile Integrity Tester works with Wi-Fi technology, allowing data to be acquired on the computer or any mobile device that has Wi-Fi technology, without the need for any software. This equipment has a piezoelectric accelerometer of IEPE technology, with an internal battery with a capacity of 2 days of continuous use. It has a real-time display of traces and allows tests to be carried out on piles of any dimension or length.
The UltraPIP is electronic equipment for Pile Integrity testing (PIT) using the Pulse-Echo Testing method, Allows to analyze the response velocity of a concrete pile, induced by a blow applied with a hammer * axially, to evaluate the physical dimensions, continuity of the pile and consistency of the materials used in its construction.
The UltraPIP has an acquisition software for the record and display of speed response, which allows the user to detect potential defects such as fractures, widens, or narrowing, and estimate the unknown length ** of piles.